Yaqin sartaroshxonalar
Mijozlar bilan qanday ishlash kerak?
Soch quritishga tayyorlanish
Jarayonni ko'rish va tuzatish uchun oyna oldida ishlang. Mijozga uning istaklari haqida savollar bering: u qanday soch ukladkasini yoqtiradi, ildizlardagi hajm, sochlarni yon tomonlarga joylashtirish. Agar kerak bo'lsa, uni namlash uchun mijozingizdan toza sochlar bilan kelishini so'rang. Sochlar biroz yog'li bo'lsa, quritishdan oldin uni yuvish kerak.
Soch turlari
Mijozning quruq sochlarini tahlil qiling: tuzilishi (quruq, yumshoq, ipaksimon), zichligi (nozik, qalin, qo'pol), shakli (tekis, jingalak). Bu sizga to'g'ri taroq va mahsulotlarni tanlashga yordam beradi. Har doim nam sochlarga fen bilan quritadigan mahsulotlarni qo'llang. Mijozning mahsulotlaridan, agar ular unga mos bo'lsa, foydalaning.
In the ProBarbers.uz project, you can find a barber who suits your taste. Our program creates an opportunity to understand your words and the words entered into my eyes. Our technologies support you. We agree to provide you with a comfortable and interesting experience. put it!""In the ProBarbers.uz project, you can find a barber who suits your taste. Our program creates an opportunity to understand your words and the words entered into my eyes. Our technologies support you. We agree to provide you with a comfortable and interesting experience. put it!""In the ProBarbers.uz project, you can find a barber who suits your taste. Our program creates an opportunity to understand your words and the words entered into my eyes. Our technologies support you. We agree to provide you with a comfortable and interesting experience. put it!""In the ProBarbers.uz project, you can find a barber who suits your taste. Our program creates an opportunity to understand your words and the words entered into my eyes. Our technologies support you. We agree to provide you with a comfortable and interesting experience. put it!""In the ProBarbers.uz project, you can find a barber who suits your taste. Our program creates an opportunity to understand your words and the words entered into my eyes. Our technologies support you. We agree to provide you with a comfortable and interesting experience. put it!"
Probarbers.uz loyihasida o'z didingiga mos sartarosh topa olasiz
"ProBarbers.uz loyihasida o'z didingizga mos sartarosh topa olasiz. Bizning dasturimiz sizning so'zingizni va ko'zimga kiritilgan so'zni tushunish imkoniyatini yaratadi. Bizning texnologiyalarimiz sizni qo'llab-quvvatlamoqda. Sizga qulaylik va qiziqarli tajriba taqdim etishimizga rozilik bildirib qo'ying!"
Soch va soqol kesish mashinasi Daling DL-1132, shnurli
Soch va soqol kesish mashinasi Daling DL-1105, shnurli
Yupqa sochlar uchun sartaroshlik qaychi
Yupqa sochlarni kesish uchun professional sartaroshlik qaychi
Soch quritgich Super Soch quritgich, stiler, 5 ta qo'shimcha
Fen dlya volos s ionizatsiey, dlya sushki va ukladki volos
Professional akkumulyatorli trimmer VGR V-071, britya va trijki uchun stanok
Professionalnaya mashinka-trimmer dlya strijki va britya volos, borody, usov "Barber"
O'quv kurslar